I tried a ton of new techniques in this entry, including combining After Effect's 'Cinema 4D' renderer with its 'Classic 3D' renderer, using adjustment layers to form low opacity cubes with a blurry texture, and the middle transition was a lot of fun to make.
I'm really happy with the outcome of everything - I wanted to lay a large emphasis on grids to represent what graphic designers do in photoshop. This concept was complemented with the idea of the sliding puzzle to visualise how graphic designers solve problems by doing what they do best.
When I first started style framing this project, I wanted to have an entry where you could pause it at any point and the frame would look beautiful on its own. I personally think I've done a decent job at executing the idea, let me know what you think in the comments!
作者有效的利用AE 2020 E3D插件结合C4D 渲染器,向我们展示了E3D的强大功能,这对于暂时还不擅长C4D的设计师,是相当值得尝试的。
关键词:MG动画 C4D创意设计 概念设计